Broadfield Homes
At Broadfield Homes we place people at the heart of our business, from land owners, to local residents and from our skilled team of tradesmen to the residents of our homes, we understand the importance of building and maintaining good relationships with all parties concerned. We strive to exceed expectations and always deliver on our promises.
Each and every Broadfield Home is individually designed and before planning permission is sought, the designs are rigorously evaluated, not only for the aesthetics and suitability of the property for its intended environment, but also the functionality and practicality of day to day use. We are always happy to engage with other interested parties such as neighbours and adjacent land owners during this process to ensure the opinions of others are properly considered.
Once our developments are approved, construction is supervised by the management team using skilled and dedicated locally employed teams to carry out the work. The innovative and dynamic approach we take results in a far higher specification for the end customer than would be found in comparable developments.
When the house is completed, a thorough test of the systems is made on handover to the customer before a detailed package of information, NHBC approvals and system warranties are provided together with a helpful demonstration of their use.
If you own land and would like to discuss what the potential development possibility may be, please call us today for a no obligation consultation.
01245 200370